As you can see, the user doesn't have to do anything, except copy the button into a stack and click on it. After a few seconds, the button disappears, and nothing seems changed. But now, the resources are in the resource fork of the stack, and can be used.
Of course, the user needs to be told what needs to be done and why. I feel, however, that this method is far superior to using ResEdit for the users. Many times I have tried to explain to a user how to use ResEdit in one way or another. Using this method instead eliminates much confusion, and allows users to move XCMDs and XFCNs the HyperCard way: by pasting buttons.
As I have mentioned, it is my hope that many XCMD and XFCN developers will adopt a method similar to this. This is how moving commands from stack to stack should be done: easy for the user.